
DI plans and builds the waiting area in the vaccination center of the Rhein-Sieg district

Exhibition halls, stadiums and other properties that can provide urgently needed open spaces are currently being converted into sophisticated vaccination centres – partly even in record time.

For being able to plan and complete the centres in such short time frames, as they are required nationwide, it is absolutely necessary to rely on the experience of service providers who are used to delivering on time within the shortest construction phases. In this respect, the stand builders - and thus also we - who have been strongly affected by the Corona crisis, are clearly at an advantage. The realisation of large projects at lightning speed is our daily bread.

Moreover, due to the fact that no trade fairs are taking place, we are currently in a position to provide spontaneously enormous staff and material capacities, from one moment to the next. Having been commissioned with the planning and construction of the 240 m² registration and waiting area of the vaccination centre of the Rhein-Sieg district in Sankt Augustin only one week before Christmas Eve, a partial handover was already carried out on 23 December, as agreed. In early January, everything will be ready for the start of vaccination.

The main task was and is to create a barrier-free, tactically well thought-out and contactless waiting area in a tent erected in front of the Asklepios Children's Hospital. An ingenious wayfinding principle developed together with the Rhein-Sieg district now ensures almost contactless waiting and a thorough preparation for the upcoming vaccinations of future visitors.

By means of the AV technology installed by us, including all monitor systems, the visitors are informed in detail and without contact about the vaccination procedure and the vaccine. To minimise further transmission possibilities and to provide additional protection for the staff in the waiting area, automated thermal imaging cameras were installed in the registration area.

These carry out an initial, automated fever screening of new visitors. The temporarily expanded space is well equipped for all upcoming seasons - thanks to a modern heating system and the air-conditioning technology applied.

After their stay in the registration and waiting area, visitors are guided to the vaccination lanes inside the clinic building via a contactless pathway installed on the floor. Being a company that often acts as general contractor for various trades and services on other large construction sites, we are also responsible for the provision and organisation of additional staff to look after visitors and security on site.

We are happy to be able to make a small contribution to the fight against the virus by helping to set up vaccination centres. Helping out here is a matter of course for us!

The Display International team wishes the vaccination centre a successful vaccination period!

Building vaccine Center
Building vaccine Center
Building Vaccine pavillon
Vaccine Center Waiting Area construction

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